Minister says Data Protection Commissioner is independent

Data Protection CommissionerRTE News 28th January 2016

The Minister for European Affairs and Data Protection has defended the Office of the Data Protection Commissioner, saying it is completely independent of government.

Minister Dara Murphy was responding to the news that Digital Rights Ireland is to take legal action against the Government, challenging whether the office is truly an independent data authority under EU law.

DRI says a series of judgments from the EU’s top court have stressed the critical importance of a truly independent data protection authority.

However, DRI says it will claim in court that Ireland has failed to properly implement EU data protection law or follow the requirements of the Charter of Fundamental Rights by failing to ensure the Irish ODPC is genuinely independent from government.

Speaking to RTÉ News, Mr Murphy said he was aware of the impending case, but said it would be up to the courts to decide.

He added that the ODPC and its functions are completely independent of government.

He acknowledged that the ODPC is government funded, but said apart from that it is like many other agencies in the state that are independent of government.

Mr Murphy also defended the public sector’s attitude to data protection, following criticism earlier today from Data Protection Commissioner, Helen Dixon.

The minister said improvements in compliance with data protection rules are needed across society including Government departments and the public sector generally.

But he said the new European General Data Protection Regulation will change and strengthen data protection rules.

He added he had recently brought local authorities and semi-state companies together to impress upon them the strong obligations they have in this area.

He said public bodies are engaging, although that doesn’t mean there is not more work to be done in the area.

On the controversy around the Garda Síochána Ombudsman Commission’s accessing of journalists phone records, Mr Murphy said the Minister for Justice was right to commission an investigation into it, as it is absolutely essential that citizens have confidence in any state agency that processes or handles their data.

Commissioner critical of compliance levels

Earlier, Ms Dixon criticised the level of compliance with data protection laws in the public sector.

Ms Dixon released a statement setting out priorities for data protection rights and protocol in 2016 to mark the tenth annual Data Protection Day.

In particular, she has called for improvements to the legislative process to ensure greater deliberation and scrutiny of issues that interfere with the fundamental right to data protection.

The commissioner acknowledged data protection is not an absolute right and in certain circumstances, must yield to other competing rights.

However, she also stated that if a public body is going to interfere with data protection rights, it must generally be provided for by law, be proportionate, necessary and made in the general interest or need to protect others rights.

Ms Dixon concludes that consideration must be given to all of these matters when drafting legislation.


Her pointed comments come as her office prepares to begin an audit of contentious powers used by several public bodies, including An Garda Síochána and GSOC, to access telephone records and other electronic messages.

What is the European Commission’s New Data Protection Framework proposal?

The European Commission announced a proposed reform to The European Union’s Data Protection Framework On the 25th of January 2012. You can read the full press release here. 

EU Data Protection, Secure Paper Shredding, Data Processor Firm

EU Data Protection

Within the announcement The Commission stated that the current framework – known as the 19995 EU Data Protection Directive is outdated. The main reasons for the framework to be outdated are due to rapid technology change and globalisation. These points are important to consider when deciding upon the best option to securely destroy your sensitive paper data through a confidential paper shredding service. Whether the service will be an onsite paper shredding service or an on-demand offsite paper shredding service it is important to ensure that your paper shredding company is a Data processor. You can see the list of registered Irish data processing firms here.

The new Data Protection framework will be a regulation which means all member states will have to abide by the rules. The rules will go into effect two years after they have been adopted by the member countries which is expected to be in 2018-2019.

Security in Shredding Team.

Paper Shredding Dublin

This brief blog article will focus upon the topic of Paper Shredding Dublin and will share some insight into unacceptable high risk practices with some links to helpful guidance websites to help with the decision making when establishing a document shredding protocol and digital data destruction protocol within your Organisation and households in Ireland.

Data Protection and the ethical procedures for the disposal of end of life data is essential for all in today’s ever evolving data world. Hard-Drives, CD’s, Data Cartridges and Paper files are the main methods for experiencing a damaging and painful data breach.

Protecting your Physical Data and in turn your Personal Identity is vital for all today and a data destruction Dublin service is the most suitable and compliant method for Organisations operating in Ireland and us the Irish citizens to Confidential Shredding, Data Protection, Data Protection FInes, Data protection Penalties, Secure Shredding, Data Destrcution, Complianceassert the protection of our information.


High risk practices;


  1. Following the guidance of other Organisations both in the Private Sector and Public Sector;

With the advances in data reconstruction technology, increasing levels of data crime, extreme forces for lower costs in addition to contradicting and mind boggling information, simply looking at an alternative Organisation (Private &/or Public) to mimic their procedures and practices is not an appropriate method to establish your own data procedures and practices for managing sensitive paper documents. As we in Ireland are a member of The European Union we are subject to European Legislation in addition to Irish Data Protection Legislation. This point also raises the level of risk of data protection when looking at other Organisations as there have been many different views upon the legislation and the application of it in our Country.

During the Thanks Giving period in The US an extremely serious Data Breach occurred where paper documents containing personal information were found dumped in a recycling centre. These documents were traced back to a hospital which may now be in line to face serious fines and penalties. The affected parties were contacting and apologies were given on behalf of the hospital.

In November of 2015 in our own home Country of Ireland we have seen a data breach occur in one of our Hospitals which in turn personal patient records were found in a recycling bin on the street outside the Hospital.

I want to highlight these two examples as it is important to note that the protection of personal data is a global issue and it is not to be underestimated. These examples also highlight that Companies in the Dublin Region that wish to establish a Dublin Paper Shredding Service and look for guidance from Organisations either in the Private or Public Sectors may lead to data breaches which in turn may lead to negligence penalty enforcement’s. Independent research from reputable information sources that has the protection of personal sensitive data as their number one concern is the most appropriate method for establishing your data protection procedures.


2. Allowing you Waste Management firm to manage your end of life personal sensitive data;

This point is of serious concern for all Organisations and citizens of Ireland to ensure the protection of their personal sensitive paper data. This article is not to negatively market waste operating firms as many of them do an amazing and admirable job at protecting our environment, producing waste fuel for export to incinerators, collecting household waste, running recycling centers, separating and segregating waste materials and selling waste commodities to the recycling industry for maximum revenues not to mention the hundreds of people that are employed through waste operators, they truly are appreciated.            When it comes to personal sensitive data and the appropriate disposal of that data there are specialist firms within the market that are subject to additional standards, certifications and best practices which may not be the case for many waste operators who do not have confidential shredding as their primary business case. There is also an industry representative body for these professional specialist firms to ensure industry best practices. If you are specialist data destruction firm (Paper Shredding Firm) you are a Data Processor and recognised as a data processor under legislation. When you are a data processor you are subject to additional legislation from both Ireland and Europe and you are accountable for breaches of the legislation.                       If you are a waste operator managing waste services you may not be recognised as a data processor but as a materials processor. With this point, if a data breach occurs the Data Processor liability under data protection legislation may not be valid and there may not be accountability in the case of your data breach.

3. Empowering staff with the responsibility to destroy your end of life data;

When deciding whether or not to give staff the responsibility of destroying their end of life data or hiring in temporary or work experience staff it is important to take into account the following factors

  1. Have you provided adequate training for staff
  2. Have you included their responsibilities in their employment contracts
  3. Have you received an audit trail for your material
  4. Do you have proof of destruction
  5. Do you have proof of recycling
  6. Have you destroyed the data to the appropriate shred size
  7. Have you completed a cost benefit analysis on the activity
  8. Are staff being taken away from other activities
  9. Have you singed confidentiality agreements
  10. Have you conducted background checks upon staff

The risks when destroying data outweigh the benefits of completing the process in-house. When dealing with risk it is impossible to eliminate the risk however it is possible to minimise the risk levels and with this in mind it is important to look for a professional specialist shredding firms to manage your destruction requirements and ensure compliance to save you from possible data breaches.


If you require any further information to better help equip yourself from experiencing a damaging data breach please do not hesitate to contact the Security in Shredding Team for friendly helpful guidance with no obligations. You may also want to visit the following sites;


Keeping you Identity Safe – Paper Shredding Limerick

paper shredding limerick, confidential shredding, limerick shredding service

No matter what your career, your financial standing, association involvements and tolerance for privacy it can be detrimental for you to have your identity stolen. When looking at data privacy and data protection there are lists of methods to ensure your safety for both physical data (paper records) and digital data (Online privacy). Examples of these would be data protection training, secure paper shredding, document shredding, hard-drive destruction, hiring EN 15713 certified vendors, purchasing security software and ensuring effective firewalls are in place to name a few.

We know today that the majority of data breaches and identity theft occurs online as it is easier and more efficient for criminals to source personal information without being detected and leaving a trace. This is a new and ever evolving effort for security providers and legislators to battle with in an attempt to succeed against the online data theft crimes.

However, with that in mind it is time to think about the high levels of data theft crimes that we have experienced for years and continue to experience today through bad guys impersonating their victims in return for financial gain. These crimes have been committed as long as confidential identity documents have existed. Precise and measured management is required on order to truly battle against identity theft from paper documents with the key stone being a paper shredding Limerick system, it is not only limited to The Limerick area, firms from right across the Country need to construct/purchase and implement a confidential paper shredding system to manage waste paper documents.

The hard truth is that all of our identities are linked to paper that in turn require a confidential paper shredding service. Simply having copies of the confidential documents can be all that is needed in order to pose as them. Once you can pose as someone you can claim benefits, raise loans and apply for credit cards. One single document could be worth hundreds of thousands of Euro to the right person with criminal intentions. A Limerick paper shredding service through professional vendors that are registered with the required regulatory body is an essential activity for both business and individuals in today’s economy.

The slowdown in the economy, seen the introduction of financing options from product providers such as car dealerships. This development has increased the risk of a identify theft occurring as it requires specific training for any employee to be able to identify a fraudulent request for financing.

Not all identity theft through paper documents is for money, though. A famous example is actor Wallace Ford, who acquired documents including a passport in the name of his dead friend and lived a fake life for thirty years until his death in 1966.

To battle and protect yourselves from data breaches and receiving fines and penalties hire a paper shredding Limerick vendor who has the expertise and certification that will ensure that you are protected from such breaches occurring.

Never enter waste paper into recycling bins and never allow waste vendors to “manage” your waste paper data in order to maintain confidentiality of your data and protect you and your Company’s image.Data Protection, Paper Shredding, limeirck paper shredding


Confidential Product Destruction Through Secure Shredders and Professional Vendors

In today’s technologically advancing corporate and business environment, confidentiality is becoming an essential and significant chore to establish in order to maintain success and hold onto market share. Whether it is confidential data on documents or data stored on hard disks, availability of security in shredding service has made it easier to destruct the personal data and documents in a secure manner that ensures that the client is compliant with all relevant legislation. Document shredding Dublin is a service in Ireland for confidential data destruction and has an established client base.

Secure Paper Shredding Hard Drive Shredding WEEE Destruction

Product destruction at a glance

If you are operating in the manufacturing industry, secure and confidential disposal of your sensitive business products containing trademark information is critical due to patents, legislation and CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) Standards. When you have to securely protect your business brand, it’s essential to hire a professional and experienced data destruction company. A reliable document destruction company with the product destruction services can only preserve your brand’s privacy and image..

Here are few products that may require immediate destruction

  • Defective damaged products
  • Pharmaceutical boxes & foils
  • Medical devices
  • Product recall items
  • Charity collection baskets
  • Out-of-date stock
  • Counterfeit goods
  • Printed labels
  • Swipe cards
  • I’d badges
  • Credit cards

To destruct all products that contain a confidential element and are no longer in use, call the trained shredding providers offering the secure destruction service to help. Getting advice from the most suitable service would meet your requirements.

Product destruction – an environmental solution

The Environment has become an important factor in developing business strategies for companies whether it’s in Ireland or around the world. Ireland’s citizens and market forces are trying their best to achieve sound environmental performance.

Secure Product Shredding makes a system and provides an environmentally friendly service, with all shredded material being fully destroyed and recycled in line with the European Waste Hierarchy.

Document shredding provides peace of mind to their clients about their material which is destroyed prior to entering the disposal activity. You can calculate the success in implementing Eco-friendly systems; just go through the testimonials of shredding companies.

Getting a destruction certificate in addition to the certificate of disposal in regards of product destruction shows the compliance and professionalism of a shredding service. Clients in accordance to it

A certified products destruction company like All Security Mobile Shredding Ltd. provides shredding programs for business and residents by utilizing the most rigorous security standards and document handling procedures.

Minister Alan Kelly endorses Free Confidential Shredding Event to celebrate Data Protection Day 28th January 2015

Data Protection Day 2015

So, it’s 2015 and many of us will have made a New Year’s Resolution to organise our paperwork and get rid of documents, old bills and other correspondence. It’s a task most of us dread let alone the stress and worry of how to securely dispose of this material– However help is at hand at two locations in Waterford and Limerick to mark Data Protection Day on January 28th 2015.

Minister for Environment – Alan Kelly supports Security in Shredding in celebrating Data Protection Day whom are offering A Free…. Yes FREE on-site shredding service for householders and SME’s on January 28th, in conjunction with the Southern Region Waste Management Office, Limerick City and County Council and Waterford City and County Council Authorities. The event will encourage data protection and the best practices in addition to waste segregation and the appropriate, safe and secure methods of disposing paper waste.

Householders & small businesses across the region are encouraged to bring along documents to the designated locations and avoid the financial, mental and emotional loss associated with identity theft on Data Protection Day. By participating in this event you would be beginning 2015 with organized and clutter free filing cabinets, office space, creating a clean and positive working environment as well as the piece of mind that your documents are being handled securely minimising the risk of identity theft and data breaches that are caused by documents being exposed.

} In 2013 the Data Protection Commissioner for Ireland received 1,507 data breach notifications – 25 times the number reported in 2009.


These events are taking place at the Mungret Recycling Centre Limerick and the Kilbarry Civic Amenity Site, Waterford between 11am and 3.30pm on January 28th. All materials will be shredded on-site, eliminating risks, 100% of shredded material is recycled.

Those who avail of the event and wish to put their names into a free draw on the day will be in with a chance of winning a one night stay B&B in the Commons Inn Hotel at the Mungret Recycling Centre draw and a one night stay B&B in the South Court Hotel at the Kilbarry CAS draw. So drop in on the 28th of January and make use of this FREE CONFIDENTIAL SHREDDING EVENT. Two refuse sacks per person.

Call Experts in Confidential Shredding For Secure Destruction

irish data breaches, Data Protection, Paper Shredding, Data Destruction

The importance of document paper shredding Limerick, Ireland is significantly commendable and offers confidential data destruction services to all clients. If you are an owner of a business and making good money, you might be aware about the document security and its perceptiveness. Security of documents concerns a lot even if you don’t require them anymore. Hackers and informational data thieves are always probing for fast ways to enter the information security systems. Documenting data and the security of that data throughout its life time might be of no use to you, but matters significantly to thieves. By leaving them in a non-secure location, entering them into traditional recycling streams or sending them for self-destruction, you are straight forwardly providing them an approaching way to your confidential files.

Security in shredding can save you from facing penalties and fines let alone the data theft itself. For this, you should know which documents require significant care. With the points below in mind, the security of all documented data from a given organization is of imperative importance –

  • Legal documents

Legal documents don’t include any monetary value but they might have some secluded information. Such personal information may give anyone the threatening power.

  • Financial accounts

Neglecting the receipt after transacting money from the bank may lead mugging problems. As it contains your account number, balance amount, signatures, personal information and transacted amount it also hold sever risk. This futile receipt is a token for someone who just needed it.

  • Payroll records and media

Payroll details can reveal your earning records, which is what thieves want to know to strip you. And advancement in technology has enabled the cyber world to convert a copy of files stored on CD’s, tapes, disks and other storage devices. Just breaking it is not enough.

Some Eco – friendly industries enter their sensitive documents into the traditional recycling streams, which is the clear path for trespassers to get what they need. It is certainly probable to hack the identities and other blue-chip information out from financial records, legal documents, medical records etc. Once your informational data has been stolen, your bank accounts, personal accounts, profiles and business deals come under intense risk. Professional specialists of paper shredding Ireland service is the only prompting solution to it.

Christmas Waste

Christmas Waste


During Christmas, we people generate high volumes of waste.

“Approximately 70,000 tonnes of packaging waste is generated per household.”

Even though we are improving our practises regarding managing our waste, the people of Ireland need to be more vigilant about separating recyclable waste from non-recyclable waste, it is not a difficult task to carry out – one just has to alter their habits.

With regard to batteries, we use batteries in our laptops and phones, and the mountains of electronic toys delivered by Santa or gifted by generous friends and family. WEEE Ireland have the ability to recycle the old and used batteries, waste electrical and electronic equipment.

Research shows that one in five people still put batteries into general waste which is unacceptable. “Every retailer that sells batteries is obliged to take them back for recycling and the WEEE Ireland blue (battery collection) box is very prominent.”

Many of us have real Christmas trees to dispose of after Christmas. Most County Councils recycling facilities have set dates whereby people can take in their real Christmas trees free of charge to dispose and recycle them.

So overall, if we manage our waste properly, each of us can make a big difference in reducing the amount of recyclable waste reaching landfill.

On that note, we, All Security Mobile Shredding Ltd want to wish each and every one of our readers, followers and clients a Happy and Safe Christmas.

Security in Shredding Donate to Another Great Cause

Away from Data Protection and Secure Data Destruction (Paper Shredding, Media Shredding and Secure WEEE Recycling); The Security in Shredding Team took the hands on approach with The amazing charity “One in Four”.

In March of 2014 Security in Shredding teamed up and got involved in a charity sponsored horse riding event to aid of fund raising for The One in Four Charity. Not only did the Company donate for the great cause but the brave staff entered themselves and their horses in the event for the day.
photo 4 Front:     Presenting the donation to the Charity; Senior Management at Security in Shredding & Maeve Lewis (One in Four Executive Director)

Back:      Staff of Security in Shredding entered into the event.

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Free Shred and Information Event in aid of Data Protection Day a true success.


It is advantageous for the General Public and Organisations within Ireland and across the Globe to be aware that January 28th is European Data Protection Day, and it is known as “Privacy Day” outside of the EU. Continue reading