Significance Of Confidential Shredding In Limerick & Galway

confidential shredding

Confidential Shredding Companies are available to take your call for any document destruction or clear out service. Businesses in Galway & Limerick can avail of our quality service today.

With the increasing technology, the risk of leaking identity or of an important information file has become very vulnerable to those with an ill-will. From small scale business houses to large scale corporate conglomerates, a lot of paper work is done on daily basis in order to run the business.

These papers often contain important and secret information about you and your company which you certainly don’t want to make public. Bank statements, credit card bills, salary slips, security passwords, insurance documents, newsletters and all such documents are always at high risk for identity theft. So how should we protect the identity from hijacking?

There are several ways of making sure these documents do not end up in the wrong hands but the most secure method is shredding through a confidential shredding provider. Most of the companies have shredder machines at their office to destroy unwanted, day-to-day, old records that are of no use in future. But having a shredder system at office proves to be quite more expensive than hiring a reliable & professional confidential shredding company.

Confidential Shredding Specialists

Now let’s have a look on what shredding companies do and why confidential shredding is important?

  • The professional confidential shredding companies will ensure data destruction by their confidential shredding professionals thereby, reducing the chances of identity theft.

  • It is cost effective and a reliable source of shredding services.

  • By shredding your confidential records, papers & documents, you protect the important & secret information of your company and of those associated like employees & clients.

  • It reduces the cost & time spent on managing the information that is no longer useful to the company.

  • It helps ensure compliance with European, industry, and state regulations for information destruction that helps you avoid significant fines, penalties or legal action.

Identity theft is a major thing for everyone today. So, don’t fall prey to mal interests! Protect your identity, privacy and confidential records by shredding them on regular basis.

For more Information of our confidential shredding services

Email us at: info@securityinshredding

Top 5 Reasons Why You Should Hire An On-Site Paper Shredding Service

confidential shredding, clean desk policy

At Security In Shredding on-site paper shredding services is available throughout Limerick and Galway regions. Protecting your sensitive data from data breaches is hugely important for a business or organisations reputation and compliance with EU laws.

Securing the confidentiality of a business document has always been of paramount importance. As the competition grows, it is important to eliminate the risks that may lead to the loss of business and reputation.

In today’s world, a vast amount of work is done online, the hard copies of some documents are still maintained for the purpose of information sharing or as documented records that need to be produced during meetings or during audit trials by regulatory authorities. To protect the information in these documents, the businesses therefore, need to dispose it off safely when they are no longer required. Conventional office paper shredders are not an appropriate option as many of these shredders do not destroy paper beyond reconstruction therefore they are not a viable option.

This is when a professional paper shredding service comes into the limelight that helps the businesses securely dispose of their office documents.

Following are the top 5 good reasons why you should prefer an on-site paper shredding service over traditional office shredder:

  • Destroys Documentation Beyond Reconstruction: The office shredders shred the documents in long strips that can easily be put back together by anyone easily. The on-site professional service guarantees the complete destruction of the document, making it completely impossible for any person to put them together and read.
  • Facilitates Efficient Management of Resources: An office paper shredder occupies a lot of space and takes a lot of time to install and operate. You need to dedicate an employee for this task which normally takes half an hour or even more depending upon the volume of the documents to be shredded. At that time, the employee is not executing anything productive. While half an hour or so may seem less to you at first but the annual figures will finally give you a clearer picture of how much time your employee has spent in this non productive activity.
  • Information Security: To shred the documents, you have to delegate a specific employee for this task which means you are giving all your company’s confidential information in the hands of a third person who may or may not be loyal to the company. Therefore, calling for an on-site paper shredding service is a better option because these people are only focused on providing a secure, professional, high standard data destruction service for the client.
  • Cost-effective: Hiring the services of a professional paper shredder saves you money because you don’t have to bear the maintenance and repair costs of the machine. Moreover, your employees will continue to earn more profits for the company by working on core business projects rather than engaging in paper shredding work.
  • Risk: The Professional Data Destruction Service Provider, is 100% responsible for your data. As a result from hiring this Data Destruction Provider, they are taking on the Risk of ensuring that your confidential documents are destroyed in compliance with relevant standards and beyond reconstruction. By using Security In Shredding, you will be employing a Service Provider who can provide a completely closed loop on-site or off-site secure data destruction service.
  • Additional Services: Some paper shredding companies also provide additional services such as dismantling of IT equipments, electronic hard-drives, electronic equipment, digital scanning and archiving, to give a complete piece of mind to its clients. So, it is a one-stop shop for all your security needs.

With all these benefits, an on-site paper shredding service is certainly the best way to secure the business critical information. Always look for the service providers that offer 100% complaint services and certified services.

8 Interesting Facts, You Must Know About Data Destruction

Security in Shredding Logo. 2014.

Protecting your confidential data comes in many forms. Confidential shredding is one form of data protection for businesses in Limerick and or Galway.

Maybe the business of shredding services won’t appeal to everyone. But if you ask the number of companies availing of paper shredding limerick, you would be seriously surprised by knowing the benefits and the business profits they are making from utilising a professional data shredding service.

Well, as I will explain to you, shredding companies destruct the information from company’s paper & electronic waste and recycle the same for their re usability in making newspaper, egg cartons and kitchen roll. After running some R&D, I have gathered some of the interesting facts you must know about shredding.

  • When 1 ton of paper waste is recycled, it actually saves 17 trees, 7000 Gallons of water and 4000 KW of energy. Also must be mentioned the land they accommodate to do so. The 17 trees are enough to consume 250 lbs of CO Way to Go!!


  • In 1988, when US top court quoted that any personal waste once thrown in the public bins will be under government authorities. Home shredding machines took a steep growth in sales.


  • Want to be one of the confidential shredding specialists? Well, to destruct anything you need to be certified to do so in line with European and Irish Standards. Simply providing a certificate of destruction is no longer good enough as any Company can simply construct a cert of destruction.


  • Some of the advanced machines are capable converting your A4 size paper into 100s of tiny pieces up to a minimum size of 3mm!! Within The EN 15713 shredding standard there are shred sizes, the most professional and secure shredding providers can offer various shred sizes from No. 1 right up to No. 8.


  • In 1979, The US embassy was attacked by some Iranian revolutionaries in order to retrieve their identity documents. As the documents were shredded in strips only, it was easy to retrieve info from them. These urged the need of cross cut shredders and were developed instantly after.


  • With the rise in technology, standard cross cut shredders can be reconstructed, it is advised that Shred Size No. 6 (320 mm squared particles) is the ideal shred for security and beyond reconstruction.


  • Last but not the least; Abbot Augustus Lowe founded the first ever shredding machine in 1909. Though it wasn’t massive, the latest of our shredders work on the derived principles of that machine.

Thought provoking info for Confidential Shredding Specialists and Paper Shredding Service users. For more information on our confidential shredding service, please email us at :

Why Outsource Paper Shredding? Galway Region

Security In Shredding on site service

Are you looking for confidential shredding specialists in Galway? There are numerous paper shredders upon the marketplace for in-house destruction, but a precise one is only one that provides an audit-able and accountable trail for the client in addition to providing professional advice for your other documents or data which require to be securely destroyed.

If you are working in an organisation and have documents that are confidential and sensitive but you are unable to keep them anymore a professional data destruction service provider is the best option for you. It becomes essential to shred them through a confidential shredding service provider instead of inserting them in traditional recycling streams. Moreover, it’s difficult for you to keep all these documents safe in a secure location as it would cause a space management issue.

The best method to dispose – of all confidential data that is no longer required is to avail of the confidential paper shredding service of Galway Security in Shredding. Shredding service not only destroys confidential documents that are no longer required, but also assists in space management and ensures compliance with legislation on a data protection level and a waste management level. Outsourcing some professional shredding service will be a great choice for your confidential shredding requirements due to the following reasons


Shred your confidential data in a specific and efficient manner. Paper shredding Galway is a service provider providing its eminent services which include paper shredding, document destruction, product shredding, hard – drive shredding and media shredding, and confidential waste disposal which is accessible across the Galway and Ireland region.

Price value

In – house shredding saves your money? Shredding services through a service provider are 25 – 40% inexpensive than in-house shredding which not only saves your money, but also provides a trustworthy appearance of the service provider and accountability for the client.


Confidential paper shredding services of Galway provides a featured service that disposes all the shredded data and destructed material at safe and allotted recycling facilities without any extra charges.

All material returns to the market as kitchen paper and other recycled products.

For more information email us at:

On Site Shredding Benefits For Limerick & Galway Businesses

Security In Shredding on site service
When it comes to data protection, confidential shredding of your documents should be incorporated as part of your business day to day. Limerick & Galway regions can also benefit from our on site shredding service.
On Site shredding provides a secure shredding process to your business and also a number of other benefits for your business such as:
  1. We can provide a “Scheduled Basis” On Site Shredding
  1. “On Call Service” Client calls and sets a date for out team to
  1. “Clear Out Shredding” For large quantity of document destruction


The Data Protection Commissioner

There are many reasons for your business to incorporate a confidential shredding service. Firstly it’s the law; The Data Protection Act ensures that businesses and organisations maintain that the data stored by them is protected to a standard set by the DPC.
More details regarding data security and method to improve your data security can be read on the DPC site; Data Security Guidlines

How Confidential Shredding Can Help

When it comes to data protection, minimising the risk of data breaches is essential for businesses to continue in operation. As mentioned above it’s the law but also data breaches can be hugely damaging to a companies reputation. If people are aware of a business or organisations data breach, people will not use that service or switch to a competitor good or service. All it can take is one breach for this to occur.
Along with compliance with the law, there are a number of reasons why your business benefit from confidential shredding services, reasons such as:
  • Prevent information leaks and breaches of security
  • Reduces your risk from improperly discarded documents
  • Reduces risk of identity theft
  • Reduces your risk of recovery
  • Reduces your storage costs
  • Saving employee time from document shredding
  • Minimum time used for speedy efficient shredding service
  • Affordable and cost effective
  • Become an active business in protecting the environment


On Site & Confidentiality

Our on site shredding service will provide you and your business a secure method of destruction. The shredding process is monitored to ensure that the documents are destroyed and our on board systems ensure that this process is done correctly. The added bonus of the truck being on site, is that you get to see your documents go from the bin to shred on your premises. Giving you the confidence that your documents are destroyed in a safe and secure manor.

For more information on our on site shredding and or any other services we provide, please check out our site or feel free to contact one of our shredding specialists.

Email us at: info@securityinshredding

Mobile Devices – Dangers & Destruction Method


At Security In Shredding protecting your data is essential for businesses and organisations to succeed. Our On Site shredding services are available throughout the Limerick and Galway regions.

It is perceived that one’s personal information held on Smart Technology Devices (wireless technology) is deleted when being sold or sent for recycling, but in fact sensitive data for example your banking details, passwords, contact information and much more are stored on hand held devices and when such information is not removed effectively it will end up in the hands of the end user.

Even though you take careful precautions regarding deleting information on PC’s or laptops, many neglect to implement these precautions with their hand held devices.With this in mind the percentage of the international population using Smart technologies is continuously increasing.

More Smartphones Than People Today

The increase in the use of Smartphones coupled with the lack of user knowledge in relation to Data Protection has made them attractive targets for attackers to obtain by means of second-hand sales via internet sites and recycled phones etc. The number in addition to the sophistication of the attacks made on mobile devices are increasing and measures to counteract these attacks are slow to catch up.

Smart technologies have not kept up in the security technology pace as with other traditional computer security. There are little or no firewalls, antivirus etc. available for the user to use to increase privacy controls. A huge percentage of Smart technology users, use social networking sites and upload a wealth of personal information on such sites. As stated in my previous posts, “Data is worth money in today’s environment”.

“A recent study by life assistance company CPP found that 54% of second-hand phones contained personal data. During the research it purchased 35 mobiles and found personal information such as text messages, emails and even bank details on 19 of them. In addition, 50 SIM cards were purchased, with 27 containing similar information, and this is despite 81% of users claiming that they delete all personal data.”

Bullguard Article on Smart Technologies

It is imperative that everybody understands the dangers associated with assuming ones personal data is removed from his/her device. The only way one has true and complete piece of mind is to shred the device. There are many services available to the public in relation to Professional Data Destruction, and Knowledge is Key to your personal data security.

If you have any queries regarding Data Protection, please do not hesitate to contact Security In Shredding as we are more than happy to provide free expert advise.

Email us at:

Limerick & Galway Businesses The BYOD Risks & Gains

BYOD policy

A Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) policy has a number of benefits for your business or organisation. Businesses in Limerick & Galway along with a confidential shredding policy. Electronic devices have security features enabled as standard and having staff use their own devices can be a cost effective method for day to day business.

People will tend to look after their own devices better. While this is another benefit there are risks involved and it is worth knowing the risks involved if you decide to incorporate such a policy.


Many of these issues arise because of the main characteristic of BYOD that the employee owns and to some extent maintains and supports the device. As a result, the you will have much less control over the device in comparison to a device owned by your business.

An employer will need to address these BYOD issues before enabling employees to bring their own devices to work. These issues include, for example, ensuring that work data will not be merged with an employee’s personal data, that non-employees, such as family members who use the device, do not access work data and, for example, what happens when an employee loses a device or resigns.

In seeking to implement a BYOD solution it is important to identify business objectives and benefits as well as taking into account security, audit and data protection requirements. Department heads such as IT, HR and managers should develop a BYOD policy covering security issues and terms of use.

For more information on data protection and guidance on digital data protection visit the Data Protection Commissioner site for a detailed guide.

BYOD business policy

If your business decides to use a BYOD policy, then informing your employees of the separation of data between business and personal data.

Data security is a prime concern for employers and importantly BYOD should not introduce vulnerabilities into existing secure environments.

Employers should also consider the use of a sandbox or ring-fencing of data, such as by keeping data contained within a specific app, as well as ensuring that, if the device is lost, the data on it is kept confidential and retained via a backup facility.

In terms of legal risk, losing employee or client data could result in the company breaching the Data Protection Act which could leave the company vulnerable to legal claims brought by the employee or client in question or a fine imposed by the DPC.

To address the data protection and security breach risks, the DPC guidance recommends companies consider the following:

  • Which type of corporate data can be processed on personal devices
  • How to encrypt and secure access to the corporate data
  • How the corporate data should be stored on the personal devices
  • How and when the corporate data should be deleted from the personal devices
  • How the data should be transferred from the personal device to the company servers


The DPC also recommends installing antivirus software on personal devices, providing technical support to the employees on their personal devices when they are used for business purposes and having in place a “BYOD Acceptable Use Policy” providing guidance to users on how they can use their own devices to process corporate and personal data. It should also be clear to employees that they can only process corporate personal data for corporate purposes.

The DPC also highlights the BYOD risks associated with increased monitoring at work by the technical measures that the company could put in place in order to ensure the security of the company data processed by the employees on their personal devices.

Ensuring fail safes are in place, in the unlikely event of theft or loss. Enabling geo-location, remote access, two step verification. A reputable anti-virus software can provide for such an event. Remembering prevention is better than cure.

Confidential Shredding Limerick & Galway

At Security In Shredding, data protection is paramount to our day to day operation. Confidential shredding services regularly destroy any and all unwanted documents your business may have accumulated.

Ensuring that data security is being maintained is important for you and for our us. For more information on our shredding services you can,

Email us at:

Fight Identity Theft With The Help Of Confidential Shredding Specialists

Paper Shredding, Secure DestructionConfidential Shredding in Limerick & Galway is one way of ensuring, a person’s identity is of serious security among the working class because it is responsible for significantly important aspects of people’s lives. Due to modernisation, social media sites are becoming main sources for displaying information. But other than that, documents are one of the most rampant modes of identity display to malicious people and it may be disclosed to a third party causing you business harms.

The only solution to get rid of this problem is to destroy these documents if they are no longer in use of concerned authorities. Although there are many ways to destroy these documents but the best way is document destruction from confidential shredding specialists. Other than that, these two amazing tips are definitely going to help you in winning the fight against identity theft.

  • Ensure that you have hired a certified company to shred your important documents

Most of the entrepreneurs and corporate people have to deal with large volumes of documents. Hence, it’s recommended that they must hire shredder for the secure handling of sensitive documents that are no longer required for use. In order to ensure maximum security, it is better to hire a destruction company that is certified and works with compliance of all national standards for secure destruction. The only reason behind this fact is that the approved shredding companies are recognised for their genuine, professional and compliant work for their clients through their confidential destruction services.

  • For extremely sensitive documents, on-site shredding is suggested

The way from where identity crime starts is personal documents and data. It’s not obligatory that identity would be physical only; it can be in the form of a signature also. Your signature is embraced on various papers such as property documents, wills, shares, bank forms, medical claim documents, etc. and a breach can copy your signature which may empty your pockets. Due to this reason, it’s very significant to always be alert on how to handle such documents that are no longer required in order to stay away from such cases.

  • Select a technically configured destruction service

About the shredding service, every individual has the same perspective that it should be a time confined service provider. Once called, they should arrive at their location within the promised time. With a remarkable response time, security in shredding provides mobile services and are confidential shredding specialists that enables you to verify your data destruction process with the help of on-board monitor screen showing the destruction.


Why Outsource The Shredding Of Documents?


harddrive destruction, Media Destruction, Confidential Shredding Service

Are you an Entrepreneur in Galway or Limerick?, confidential shredding is available for confidential on site shredding.

have you ever wondered how paper shredding can save you from company data breaches while justifying the cost for such a shredding service, your approach of secure data paper shredding towards confidential shredding through a professional accredited service vendor which can only save your company from breaching sensitive data? What does the ‘confidential’ mean in paper destruction?

It signifies security in shredding, destruct the data and documents under secure atmospheres and completed by security screened paper shredding personnel. Buying your own in-house shredding machines can never destroy your private papers and data completely and securely with efficiency and accountability.


The following are some internal costs an individual can eliminate if he/she outsources the shredding from professional paper shredders

  • Payroll cost of the employee for the time spent feeding the office shredding machine
  • Data Protection Training fees for employees in charge of data destruction
  • Manual Handling Training fees for employees in charge of data destruction
  • Acquiring cost of high-level shredding machine is not probable to manage for a middle-class business entrepreneur
  • Recycling fee for material to be recycled and receive certification of compliance
  • Time spent in removing the paper clips and staples to shred in paper shredding machines
  • Regular maintenance cost of office paper shredding machine
  • Extra cleanup time, as paper shredding machine generates dust on shred
  • Extra cost of disposing of the large volume of shredded documents
  • Who decides what is to be destroyed and not destroyed?.

It may be probable to purchase a small and lower PPM (pages per minute) shredding machine which may lead to the loss of an employee’s working day from what you have hired him/her for and evenly that document shredding machine can never provide and transparent clear audit trail.

What about unused data that have been left on electronic media (USB or hard drive, CDs, DVDs, etc.)? Sometimes, an entrepreneur may buy a small destruction machine for document shredding and/or drill a hole through the Hard Drive. The methods above are not appropriate for secure data destruction from electronic devices as the data remains on the device.

An appropriate method for the secure destruction is to avail of a confidential shredding Galway & Limerick which ensures compliance.

Paper Shredding Galway & Limerick is your number one choice for data destruction

7 Wi-fi Security Improvements To Aid Data Protection

BYOD policy

Data protection comes in many forms. While our confidential shredding in Limerick & Galway regularly operate a highly secure paper destruction service. It is however, hugely important to protect all forms of data both physical and digital.

Wi-fi networks both public and private networks (more so with public) have greater potential of data breaches or hacks. These hacks could be harmful to your device and also gain access to private or secure files.

Below is a list of steps to improve your Wi-fi data security:


1. Change The Default Name Of The Wireless Network

Hackers will prey on human error to gain access to networks. A router received from your internet provider will run on default settings. If these settings are not changed, hackers will use this to gain access to networks.

In case the SSID is not modified, a hacker has a better chance of breaking into a network, simply by knowing the manufacturer of the router. Use this guide to make the necessary changes.

Ideally change the name to something unique and NOT to use your own and or company name as the new network name.


2. Password Length = Strength

Again if using default settings on the router the default password can be gained if hackers know the default name.

When choosing a password, it is recommended that the password length is:

  • 15 – 20 characters
  • Contain Numbers
  • Contain Upper Case
  • Contain Special Characters

Avoid using “123456” and or “password” which is used more often than not. A random sequence of letters, numbers and characters is secure but harder to remember. If the password is unique and not repeated and contains the criteria mentioned, It will improve the password security.

Use this Wiki guide to setup a strong password for your network.


3. Enabling Network Encryption

There are a few popular encryption options for wireless networks, like WEP, WPA and WPA2. The latter form of encryption – WPA2 – is preferred for its improved security and especially if you have a home network.

The option to encrypt traffic is useful if you need to make your communication signals unusable for any unauthorised third party software.


4. Power Off When Not In Use

This option is useful especially when leaving home for extended periods of time, for holiday leave or for a few days.

This security measure, besides helping you to reduce power consumption, it will surely stop any hackers that could “listen” to your network’s traffic or might try to access it for malicious purposes.


5. Where The Router Is Stored Physically

Storing the router in a central location of the house or office will ensure even spread of connection and limits the hackers access to the wireless network.

For this reason, don’t place it too close to a window, from where the signal can be easily accessed from outside, even at some distance, and you may also follow our fourth rule to disable the router when leaving your home.


6. Administrator Default Settings

To set up your wireless router, usually you need to access an online platform or web page, where you can make modifications to your network settings.

As everybody knows, it is something normal to find a router with default credentials such as “admin” and “password”. And these default login credentials are not so difficult to break by a hacker.

Most changes we do on an online platform are things like setting a strong password for the wireless network or changing the network’s name, both changes being made to ensure a greater level of protection from online criminals’ malicious actions.


7. Update Router Software Regularly

Your router like any software device should be maintained and updated regularly.

The problem is that most routers don’t have the option to install the latest security updates and from time to time you need to check the official website for security fixes.

We must not forget that some of the worst security breaches came from security holes in unpatched programs and operating systems.

For more information on data protection and the laws governing them. The DPC has guidelines for your data security needs; Data Protection Commissioner Guidelines

For more information on confidential shredding,

email us at: